Imagine a universe in which anti-matter had the upperhand.
A world that defied all gravity. Somewhere where the
very fabric of space and time didn't bend around the
bowling ball placed on Einstein's mattress but instead
escaped the grip of this awkward, snoozy mass and buggered
off on its own trajectory. Well Crud kind of did just
Irfan Shah bangs out a
selection of new music and classic tracks mixed exclusively
for Crud in a 'life less ordinary' fashion.
the pre-recorded show right here (Windows Media
Stream, 135 Kbps)
'Kosmos' Playlist
00.00m - Excerpts from 'Wir rufen
Lunar 3'; 'Lunar 3 - Sonnenreflektor'; 'Die Erde grubt
Euch,Kosmonauten'; 'Meteoritenschwarm' (Kosmos)
01.00m - 'St.Simone' Discordia
Excerpt from 'The Morning' Leon Theremin

05.40m - 'Girl I Used 2 Know' Mona
Lisa Overdrive (iTunes)
'Polo Mint City' Texas
Excerpt from 'The Day' Leon Theremin
10.31m - 'Daydream' Gunther
Kallman Choir (iTunes)
Excerpt from 'The Evening' Leon Theremin
15.00m - 'Cotton Candy Tenth Power ' Mark
Eitzel (iTunes)
Excerpts from 'Hier Luna 3'; 'Nie Wieder Kosmos';
'Luna 3 ruft Kosmokrator' (Kosmos)
1840m - 'On a Bridge Between Clouds' Mujaji
feat. Maria Solheim (iTunes)
Excerpt from 'Club Le Narcisse' Malcolm Mclaren
22.14m - 'Bluebeard' Cocteau
Twins (iTunes)
26.00m - 'Theremin Orchestra' Pamelia Kurstin
27.00m - 'Invitation to Smile' Sierpinski
Excerpt from 'Driving to Delirium' Malcolm Mclaren
Excerpt from 'Club Le Narcisse' Malcolm Mclaren
32.00m - 'Revenge of the Flowers' Malcolm Mclaren
36.10m - 'The Girls Will Haunt You' Torrez
40.37m - 'All My Journeys' Noonakai
Excerpts from 'Sounds and Dialogues'; 'Nie Wieder
Kosmos'; 'Grus den Kosmonautenbrudern' (Kosmos)
46.15m - 'I Believe In You' Talk
Talk (iTunes)
49.45m - 'Hide and Seek' Imogen
Heap (iTunes)
53.40m - 'Where We Come From' A Parade of Dusty Hobos
56.40m 'Dead Bodies' Air
Excerpts from Kosmos and Malcom Mclaren
Mixed and Produced by Irfan Shah for Crud Magazine