Fran Healy - Travis
Fran doesn't read music but he knows just enough to
be able to copy it right out of a book:a book which
is more often than not, the Oasis and Radiohead
songbook. And the best piece of advice he's received?
trust your instinct...and Fran's instinct has been to
take his band, Radiohead up to the very limits of musical
landscaping - and to build his own personal folk necropolis
presently enjoying a pint of unseasoned marrow juice
in his favourite local down Notting Hill. And he's still
got his hood on. We decide to test that necessary pop-star
wit with the usual twenty questions:
How the buggery are you, Fran?
Fine thanks...but I'd prefer you not to swear as
there are some older clientele enjoying a quiet drink
at the next table....
No problem. How about a question?
Sure. What's the capital of Indonesia?
We really meant one we could ask you. Still okay?
(nervous laugh) Soz..I was a bit....
That's okay about.... It was
Jakarta though. The capital of Indonesia. I bet you
were thinking more along the lines of Borobodur or Java...
Spot on Fran...How about...
It's a common mistake....but it's Jakarta. Jakarta's
the capital...
Right.. What is hell?
I'm sorry?
It's a kind of on the couch...erm.. money for
questions sort of question...a bit odd? a bit quirky?
Right....(looking around) Well I was going to say 'look
around it's the world around's the world you
live in...' But it's not the right answer is it?
It is if you want it to be....if that's your
impression of hell... that's great...nice touch.
but it's not right, is it? I mean if you'd have said
the capital of indonesia is the place you live in..or
something like, yeah it's the world around
would have been wrong. Everybody knows it's Jakarta.See
my point?
Yes Fran. Try this one: What's your greatest
"Doing this (impersonates a one man band using
only his mouth)
I'm Sorry?
It's all done with the mouth. Someone showed me how
to do it and no one else at the table could to do it
for a while...I just took to it like a duck to....
I don't understand...that's your greatest fear?
My greatest fear? I thought you said what's your best
No Fran. Get another round in Fran.
Sure. What y' having?
A pint of XXXX.
Packet of peanuts?
Yeah. Why not.
(Fran, talking from the bar...
Two pints of xxxx and a packet of nuts please...
Salted or dry roasted, Sir?
(impersonates a one man band using only his mouth)
Thanks Fran..!
Radiohead are currently in the studio finishing
off tracks for their forthcoming album, tentatively
titled The Man Who....(was not comfortable
with his own musical identity)